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To a Democratic Party Election Volunteer

Paul Lojeski: You will come to my door soon enough, carrying sheets of registrations and a button with her smiling face pinned to your chest and you will look at me with the eyes of a believer, eyes filled with hopeful certainty.

You will come to my door soon enough,
carrying sheets of registrations and a
button with her smiling face pinned
to your chest and you will look at me

Democratic Party Election Volunteer

with the eyes of a believer, eyes filled
with hopeful certainty. You will introduce
yourself and tell stories of the person
you want me to choose above the other

who you say will bring but dark ruin
upon the lands. You will see the doubt
ripple across my brow and, then, explain
confidently the theory of ‘the lesser evil’.

But to no avail, so I offer this advice to
you now before you begin the journey
to my door: Do not come! For after
a lifetime of devotion, I have finally

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and once and for all abandoned faith
in your church. I shall no longer seek
solace in those rituals and rites that still
fever your heart. Nor will I take part

any further in the workings of my own
self-deception. Strike my name from
your lists forever, as I have no more
time for your lies. Let me be. Please.

Paul Lojeski

The opinions expressed here are solely the author's and do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Hollywood Progressive.