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Are you double freakin’ kidding me?

Take a good look at this fiddle-freakin’

philanderer the dumb-freak American

electorate has just voted back into

the freaking soon-to-be shithouse

White House. Jesus H. Freakin’ Christ

on a freakin’ Ritz Cracker, how freaking

stupid can my fellow freakin’ citizens

really be? This freaking stupid? Well,

yes. Ya wonder if any freaking one

of them ever gave a flying freak

about the freakin’ Constitution, ever

even freakin’ bothered to read it.

Freakin’ guy’s failed at every freaking

business he ever freaking stuck his

freaking name to: Trump Steaks,

GoTrump, Trump Airlines, Trump

Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump Ice

(what the freak was that one, anyway?),

Trump Magazine, Trump University,

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Tour de Trump, Trump Network.

Went freaking bankrupt with Trump

Taj Mahal, Trump’s Freakin’ Castle,

Freakin’ Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump

Plaza Freakin’ Hotel, Trump Hotels

And Freakin’ Casinos Resorts, and

Trump Entertainment Resorts. Doesn’t

pay his freakin’ bills, or his freaking

taxes, or anyone freakin’ dumb enough

to work for him. And now he’s freakin’

back in power, he’s freakin’ bound

and determined to freakin’ dismantle

every-freaking-thing he can get his

freakin’ little hands on. Get a load

of the freaking wrecking crew he’s

appointing to run the freakin’ US

government. If there’s a freakin’

God in Heaven, He must be one

freakin’ twisted motherfreaker.

* If you mentally replace “freaking” and variations thereof with the F-word every time you encounter it, you will have a version of this poem as I originally wrote it.

The opinions expressed here are solely the author's and do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Hollywood Progressive.